Lily Arthur

Reviews of Prisoner of the State
The Honorable Nahum Mushin
I’m sorry that I am unable to join you at this auspicious occasion for family reasons but I wanted to congratulate the scariest woman I know on an outstanding achievement.
I remember reading the judgment in Lily’s case against the State of Queensland immediately after reading the Senate report on forced adoption and feeling that while the outcome was understandable in accordance with the law, there was something quite disturbing about it. Someone who had been treated so appallingly badly should have a legal remedy. It was one of the bases for my readily accepting the invitation of Attorney-General Roxon to chair the Apology Reference Group. Over the next several years I kept going back to that judgment and always had the same reaction. I have referred many people to it.
I vividly recall meeting Lily very soon after my appointment. I went to Sydney with a senior person from the Attorney-General’s Department to talk to Lily about a problem which had arisen. Why Lily? Because she was an important person in forced adoption and her opinion mattered. I remember coming away from that meeting and saying to my colleague: “God she’s scary!” It has obviously stuck to this day.
Lily, “Prisoner of the State” is a very important contribution to our understanding of forced adoption. It is personal from the heart, raw and in your typical way, pulls no punches. My warmest congratulations on its launch and strength to your arm.
Best wishes.
Nahum Mushin.”
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"This book takes people on a journey through Lily's life. It offers a deeply personal and at times very raw insight. It is compelling, powerful, intense, no holes barrred narrative. It clearly shows the life long impact of the illegal, cruel practices of forced adoption and a mother's fight for justice."
-- Senator Rachael Siewert
An Australian Politician.
She has been a Senator for Western Australia since 205, representing the Australian Greens, and served as the party's co-deputy leader from 2017 to 2018. She previously worked as coordinator of the Conservation Council of Western Australia.
Lily's book is a heart-breaking view of crimes against humanity. For almost three decades, Lily Arthur details the legalised kidnapping of babies from millions of women in Australia and elsewhere who were brainwashed to comply with society's punishment. Punishment for getting pregnant.
An account of valiant effort by a feisty warrior whose own son was stolen from her by the societal coercion that was rampant in Australia and elsewhere. Her survival and what she accomplished is one for the books, this book! The truth of the horrors of adoption laid bare."
-- Joe Soll
LCSW, Psychotherapist, and author of Adoption Healing... A Path To Recovery, 4 Versions for Adoptees and Natural Mothers.

"Lily Arthur's story was representative of many mothers across the world who were forced into giving up their new-borns to strangers.
Like most young women she had hopes for a future that turned into a living nightmare for many decades.
She went from housewife to activist and then to a director of Origins an international human rights organisation in Australia.
After the death of its founder Dian Wellfare, the ‘forced adoption’ movement become lost without its leader. Her passing meant unfinished business as far as getting justice for those mothers who had placed their faith in Origins.
The Directors of Origins along with Lily Arthur, both here in Australia and overseas had come too far to give up exposing the one truth of what had occurred, it could not be hidden anymore and a concerted political campaign for acknowledgement led them onto a National Senate Inquiry, the first one of its kind.
This precedent opportunity gave not only Australian mothers and adoptees an opportunity to tell their stories but also countries like the USA and Canada submitted similar stories to the Inquiry across the other side of the world.
Only a few mothers led the fight for justice, but an army of women stood behind them. Lily Arthur represents a mother who never gave up her child willingly and fought to make sure he and many other adopted children knows."
-- Karen Wilson-Buterbaugh
Director of Origins International and USA
Karen is a co-author of several articles: "Setting the Record Straight", Moxie (2001), "Not By Choice", Eclectica (2002), "Adoption Induced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Mothers of the Baby Scoop Era" (2010) Associated Content, "Whitewashing Adoption, a Critique of Respectful Adoption Language" (2013), Social Science Network (SSRN), and co-author of "In the Best Interest of Whom?" (2005) Associated Content.
“Whitewashing Adoption, a Critique of Respectful Adoption Language” (2013), Social Science Research Network (SSRN), and co-author of “In the Best Interests of Whom?” (2005) Associated Content.

Valerie Andrews Origins Canada
"The book is extremely engaging and, once started, I read it straight through. It was difficult to read about your immigration to Australia, and how your father ultimately left the family there... such difficult times... then, on top of it all, the betrayal of the system for you and your precious baby... and finally, the betrayal of all the work done by Origins. You are one resilient woman. Lil.
Origins Canada, followed the lead of Origins Australia, and also obtained a Senate Inquiry and Report; and although the government has acknowledged that forced adoption took place in Canada, and that lives were irrevocably damaged, they have yet to address the recommendations of the report, which also include an apology, mental health supports, and a call for religious and social service institutions to review their role in these practices."
-- Valerie Andrews
She is a PhD student in Gender, Feminist, and Women's Studies at York University in Toronto. Valerie is an adoption activist and executive director of Origins Canada: a Supporting those Separated by Adoption. Her main interest of research is critical adoption studies with an emphasis on adoption culture and the surrendering mother.
"The original 1959 United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child properly regarded the natural mother as central to the well-being of her child, advocated for her care and stated that mother and child should only be separated in 'exceptional circumstances.
I have seldom read a book which so clearly and uncompromisingly documents the unspeakable behaviour of many State Authorities in their treatment of vulnerable citizens and the subsequent trauma for so many. This candid and compelling account of Lily's lived experience and her role in the tireless fight for truth, justice, and human rights for all victims of Forced Adoption will enlighten and inspire the reader and will provide unique learning for all professionals who may be called upon to question the sacred bond between mother and child.
A/RES//14/1386 - Declaration of the Rights of the Child - UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreement (
-- Dr Miriam Stevenson
She has worked as a practitioner, researcher and lecturer in the social work field for over 30 years. As a qualified social worker in the UK she practised in a broad number of fields including all aspects of statutory Children and Families work and Disability Services (Transition). She completed her MA in Socio-Legal Studies in 1998 (Sheffield, UK). Miriam has a strong interest in social justice and the inclusion and empowerment of marginalised citizens via participatory research production. Whilst in Australia, she has completed her PhD research using a Participatory Action Research framework to explore aspects of social citizenship alongside young adults who have Down Syndrome. Miriam's specific interests are in human rights, intellectual disability, the well-bring of young people in out of home care and the development of person-centred forms of support in partnership with families and community groups.